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Global, regional, and national burden of suicide, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
We produced estimates of the number of deaths and age-standardized mortality rates of suicide globally, regionally, and for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2021.
Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990–2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
We aimed to assess how changes in risk factors and cause-specific death rates in different European countries related to changes in life expectancy in those countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Drivers of variation in health care spending across US counties
Variation in health care spending among US counties in 2019 was largely related to variation in service utilization.
Tracking personal health care spending in the US
Explore US health care spending for 3110 counties and 148 conditions for the years 2010 through 2019.
Tracking US health care spending by health condition and county
This report reveals striking county-level variation in utilization of health care services and in health care spending, notably in private insurance, out-of-pocket spending, and emergency care.
Burden of diabetes mortality by county, race, and ethnicity in the US, 2000–2019
Despite nationwide declines in diabetes mortality rates from 2000 to 2019, disparities persisted in 2019 across counties and racial and ethnic populations, with the highest 1% of rates most concentrated in southeastern states.
US Health Map
Explore health trends in the United States by race and ethnicity for all-cause mortality and life expectancy.
Life expectancy by county and educational attainment in the USA, 2000–19: an observational analysis
Educational disparities in life expectancy in the USA have been documented nationally but have not been comprehensively explored at the county level.
The global epidemiology and health burden of the autism spectrum: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
An estimated 61.8 million individuals (one in every 127 people) were on the autism spectrum globally in 2021.
Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific burden of diarrhoeal diseases, their risk factors, and aetiologies, 1990–2021, for 204 countries and territories
Diarrhoeal diseases claim more than 1 million lives annually and are a leading cause of death in children younger than 5 years.
Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050
We aimed to evaluate levels, trends, and observed-to-expected progress in prevalence and attributable burden from 2012 to 2021, with prevalence projections to 2050, in 204 countries and territories.
Burden of disease scenarios by state in the USA, 2022–50
The capacity to anticipate future health issues is important for both policy makers and practitioners in the USA, as such insights can facilitate effective planning, investment, and implementation strategies.
The burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors by state in the USA, 1990–2021
This study aims to examine the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the USA and highlight the disparities in health outcomes across different states.
Alcohol-attributed disease burden and formal alcohol policies in the Nordic countries (1990–2019)
We modified and applied the Bridging the Gap (BtG)-scale to measure the restrictiveness of a set of alcohol control policies for each Nordic country and each year between 1990 and 2019.
National and subnational burden of mental disorders in Iran (1990–2019): findings of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study
Mental and behavioural disorders account for a large proportion of the burden of diseases in Iran.
Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050, for 204 countries and territories
As set out in Sustainable Development Goal 3.3, the target date for ending the HIV epidemic as a public health threat is 2030.
Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050
In this analysis, we assess the current burden of HIV in 204 countries and territories and forecast HIV incidence, prevalence, and mortality up to 2050.
Ten Americas: A nation divided by differences in life expectancy
A new study by IHME shows how life expectancy differs radically across the US by location, economic situation, and race and ethnicity. Over time, these differences have widened, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Eliminating these disparities will require investing in equitable health care, education, and employment, and confronting factors that fuel inequalities, such as systemic racism.
The global, regional, and national burden of urolithiasis in 204 countries and territories, 2000–2021
Urolithiasis is a common urological problem that is associated with high morbidity.
Ten Americas: a systematic analysis of life expectancy disparities in the USA
In this study, we aimed to update and expand the original Eight Americas study, examining trends in life expectancy from 2000 to 2021 for ten Americas (analogues to the original eight, plus two additional groups comprising the US Latino population), by year, sex, and age group.
Service coverage for major depressive disorder: estimated rates of minimally adequate treatment for 204 countries and territories in 2021
Access to effective treatment for major depressive disorder remains limited and difficult to track across place and time.