GBD governance
GBD Management Team
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Management Team facilitates the estimation process, guides the Core Analytic Team, and approves final GBD results. To contact the GBD Management Team, please email the GBD Secretariat at [email protected].

Michael Brauer
Affiliate Professor
Lalit Dandona
Maegan Dirac
Assistant Professor
Kara Estep
Director, Research Operations
Alize Ferrari
Affiliate Associate Professor
Lisa Force
Assistant Professor
Emmanuela Gakidou
Professor; Associate Chair for Academic Programs; Sr. Director, Org. Development & Training
Nicholas Kassebaum
Adjunct Professor
Hmwe Hmwe Kyu
Associate Professor
Stephen Lim
Professor; Sr. Director, Science and Engineering
Rafael Lozano
Professor Emeritus
Awoke Misganaw Temesgen
Clinical Associate Professor
Jon Mosser
Assistant Professor
Christopher J.L. Murray
Professor; IHME Director; Chair, Department of Health Metrics Sciences
Mohsen Naghavi
Professor; Director of Subnational Burden of Disease Estimation
Marie Ng
Affiliate Associate Professor
Liane Ong
Lead Research Scientist
Gregory Roth
Professor, Medicine; Adjunct Professor, HMS