
Proyecciones de Covid-19 a fin de año: ¿estará 2021 peor que 2020 en el mundo y en México?

De acuerdo con las estimaciones de IHME, se registran al 31 de diciembre de 2020 1.9 millones de muertes por Covid-19 y se estima que durante 2021 se registrarán 3.6 millones de muertes más, lo que arroja un total de 5.5 millones de muertes por la pandemia en 2 años. Queda claro que los daños letales de la pandemia en el mundo fueron casi el doble en 2021 en comparación con 2020.


Hot, Cold, and Deadly

Extreme temperature is a threat to global health. As temperatures increase globally, any reduced risk for death from cold will be more than offset by the increased risk from heat.


We failed to protect our youngest kids from COVID-19. We are about to fail them again

In the U.S., over 17,000 children have been hospitalized, over 4,000 have suffered from Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and more than 400 have died due to COVID-19. Vaccines — our most effective tool — aim to protect vaccinated individuals but also those who cannot be vaccinated, including children under the age of 12. This works by building a “wall” of immunized individuals around these groups — what we call herd immunity. So far, we have failed.


Time for a Smart Approach to Boosters

Some privileged Americans are seeking out supplementary COVID-19 vaccines, but the most vulnerable should be prioritized.