Partnership in Brazil
The GBD Brazil Network represents a collaboration between researchers from prominent institutions across the country, producing critical public health resources to reach a broad Portuguese-speaking audience.
Photo by Pavlos Euthymiou, Burst.
years was the life expectancy for women in Brazil in 2021, up 4.3 years since 1990. For men, the life expectancy increased from 65.6 to 70.2.
more health loss in Brazil is attributable to high body-mass index as compared to 1990.
of all deaths in Brazil in 2021 were due to COVID-19, representing the leading cause of death in the country.
Brazil records and datasets in our catalog
The Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) catalogs all the data sources from Brazil used in our research, as well as estimates that we generate. Visit the GHDx to explore data on all the countries we study.
WHO Americas Region Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance Burden Estimates 2019
WHO Americas Region Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance Burden Estimates 2019
Brazil Live Birth Information System SINASC 2021
Vital registration
Brazil Live Birth Information System SINASC 2021
Brazil Vital Registration - Deaths 2021 ICD10
Vital Registration
Brazil Vital Registration - Deaths 2021 ICD10
News and multimedia
Antimicrobial resistance is the biggest threat to the Americas
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August 8, 2023