
Air pollution

Air pollution affects millions of people worldwide, stemming from diverse sources. Both household and outdoor air pollution pose severe threats related to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancers, and other conditions. 

Photo by Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin.

8% of total disease burden in 2021 was caused by particulate matter air pollution (level 3), making it the leading contributor among risk factors.
48% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is attributable to air pollution.
34% of preterm births in 2021 were attributed to exposure to air pollution.
33% of deaths due to air pollution occurred in South Asia in 2021.

Interactive data visuals

GBD Compare

Compare trends in air pollution and its contribution to deaths and disability due to causes like COPD and lower respiratory infection.

Burden of Proof

Explore the strength of evidence behind various health outcomes associated with exposure to particulate matter and household air pollution.

Datasets in our catalog

Visit the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) to download our estimates and data sources for air pollution.


Air pollution data from the Global Burden of Disease

In 2021, ambient particulate matter air pollution was the leading Level 4 risk factor for DALYs among all environmental and occupational risks. It contributed to 120 million DALYs and 4.72 million deaths in 2021.




State of Global Air 2024

The State of Global Air report and website bring into one place a comprehensive analysis of the levels and trends in air quality and health for every country in the world.


Air quality and health in cities

This State of Global Air report provides an overview of air pollution levels and associated health impacts in cities around the world.



Health topic